Steel plates for standard Raw1.5 or EXTENDED version

From: 239

From: 239
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Product Description

Member item! When you purchase this item, you will get access to the extra material on our site that will help you to build the machine. The extra material contains detailed illustrations of all 3 versions of the machine, Mach3 settings, Spindle settings, Auto tool settings and illustrations of the electronics. We have to grant access manually so please give us 24 hours to enable your membership.

The plates have been updated from aluminum to steel. The plates weigh about 20 kilos and make the machine extremely strong and robust.

To build the machine you will need the plates as well as…

  • Hardware (screws brackets etc): or buy all one by reading the BOM list contained in our articles
  • Electronics
  • Aluminum profiles, chaftclamps  and steel shaft
  • Steel bar 40x60x2mm around 100cm.
  • A spindle/ router

What does it cost to build a Raw 1.5?
You can build the machine for about 600Eur and up without electronics depending on where you buy the parts. You can even downgrade some things like shaft clamp, etc. Many of the parts like motors and electronics can also be purchased used on eBay for example. The price of the electronics ranges from 100EUR and upwards depending on the quality.

Threaded holes
We do not thread the holes on these plates. You need 4.5.8 mm taps for that. Make sure the taps are of good quality and use grease for each hole. The plates are made of steel and really hard. Our Taps are in very good quality.

Machine type
You can choose to purchase the plates for a Standard 1.5 machine that fits both timing belt or racks. EXTENDED version requires more plates and is built with racks. If you are unsure, see our different drawings. The drawings are included in our articles and guides.

laser cut
The plates are laser cut and not polished ​​or grinded. You can wash the plates and paint directly on the steel or brush them up.

Plates depending on Machine Type

2x 8mm thick side panels
4x 6mm thick corner plates
4x8mm thick corner plates (EXTENDED version)
2x 4mm thick side panels (EXTENDED version)
1x 4mm thick X-axis plate (EXTENDED version)
2x 6mm thick Z-axis plates
1x 6mm thick X-axis plate
1x 6mm thick X-axis front plate
3x 4mm thick motor plates
3x 4mm thick layer plates
Personal support by mail, phone or live chat


A video from CNC swede who cuts a branding iron with a Raw 1.5 with racks

Raw 1.5 Extended 1300x1800mm

15.000mm/min jogging

Raw 1.5 cutting aluminum


Raw 1.5 Speed and strength test

Cutting a fidget spinner

Additional information

Machine type

Standard Raw 1.5, EXTENDED version

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