Parts needed to build a simple saw stop.

You can build these saw stops however you want, the most important thing is the software and the electronics which should be of the closed loop type. With the closed loop system, you can hit the stop without losing position. The stop will return to its original position no matter how you turn it.
The software is a plugin for Mach3 and can be used on any saw stop you want as long as it is controlled with Mach3.
The stop we will build in this guide is of a simpler kind but works well. We use these stops ourselves.
We don’t have much parts in our international store but we will link to our Swedish store so that you can see what is needed. These are standard parts and can be found on Amazon for example. You can click on the links, they will open in a new window.
You can access instructions on how to build the stop after you purchase the software.
To build this saw stop you will need:
- Cut plates from 6mm in HPL (Or other material) and 6mm Aluminum. Buy the plates pre-cut or cut the plates yourself, we include .DXF files as well as CRV (Vcarve) files for CNC. (a 22x62cm disc is enough)
- Aluminum profiles (not in stock, but here is an example) for the sled itself. Here you decide for yourself how long the saw stop you need, for example 3 metres. The profile must be of the standard 20x40mm type and with a groove of 6mm so that the v-wheel fits. You can also use v-slot profiles, but then the hole pattern must be changed slightly on the slide (let us know and we will send a slide for V-slot) . You can splice the profile, you notice a slight jump but it does not affect the precision. Consumption, 2 meter saw stop = 4x100cm, 3 meter saw stop = 6x100cm, 4 meter saw stop = 8x100cm

Aluminum profiles for the corner modules, 8x standard 20×20 profile with 6mm groove same as above . 57mm long
4 sets V-wheels complete with bearings, wheels and 5mm washer

- 2x Eccentric spacers for M5 screw 6mm length
- 2x Spacers for M5 screw 6mm length
- 1x HTD5M timing belt wheel 15mm wide with 16 teeth
- 1x Timing belt HTD5M (15mm wide), length adjusted as needed. A saw stop of 3 meters requires twice as much belt + approx. 10cm
- 2x Ball bearings 22mm in diameter (608-ZZ)
- 2x Aluminum angle (standard for 20mm profiles)
- 2x hinges with hole pattern 15x25mm (can adapt drawings for other hole pattern)
- 1x End protection for 20x40mm aluminum profile (not necessary)
- 8x M3 8mm screw
- 8x M3 nut
- 2x M5 8mm screw
- 2x M5 12mm screw
- 24x M5 12mm countersunk screw (for a 3m long version)
- 8x M5 16mm screw
- 4x M5 30mm screw
- 1x M5 40mm screw
- 13x M5 nut
- 8x M5 washer
- 27x M5 t-slot nut
- 9x M6 12mm screw
- 10x M6 12mm countersunk screw
- 1x M8 40mm screw
- 2x M8 washer 25mm diameter
- 3x M8 washer 16mm diameter
- 2x M8 nut
- Electrical box (buy ready-made or build one yourself)
- Circuit board for Mach3 control program
- Power supply 24, 6A
- 2-conductor Probe cable approx. 2 meters
- 2-conductor 24v cable 50cm
- 3-conductor cable 25cm
- Closed loop Motor and drive module. If you want to follow our guide, you should buy these two products, link goes to a package with Drive module CL57T and Closed loop motor (23HS30-5004D-E1000)
You can access instructions on how to build the stop after you purchase the software.
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